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Topping is a vital pasture management practice for dairy farms that can significantly enhance pasture quality and, in turn, improve farm productivity. It is typically carried out during the summer months. By topping paddocks, farmers can effectively manage and maintain pasture quality, ensuring that the grass remains nutritious and palatable for grazing animals.

One of the key benefits of pre-graze topping is the removal of dense weed canopies and rank grass that has lost its nutritional value. This process allows grass to recover and thrive in areas otherwise overrun by weeds. Additionally, topping removes seed heads, promoting the growth of more desirable, nutrient-rich grass. Post-grazing topping is equally important, as it clears uneaten grass clumps and helps spread dung evenly across the pasture, promoting uniform regrowth.

A key aspect of effective topping is ensuring a clean cut on the grass leaf. This precision is crucial for promoting healthy and robust regrowth, which is more nutritious for grazing animals. Studies have shown that over 80% of leafy new grass growth can be effectively processed by cows, whereas less than 50% of mature or dead plant material offers any nutritional value. As a result, topping directly contributes to better animal health and increased productivity.

Research conducted by the New Zealand Grasslands Association and Teagasc, the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority, supports the benefits of topping. Their findings indicate that regular topping can lead to improvements in milk solid production, live weight gain, and milk yields with “Yields of milk and milk solids increased during summer by an average of 1.75 l/cow/day and 0.13 kg MS/cow/day”

Elevating the Benefits of Topping with the Topper S3

At Trimax Mowing Systems, we’ve taken the proven benefits of topping and designed our mowers to maximize them. The Trimax Topper S3 is engineered to deliver the precise cuts that are essential for promoting healthy regrowth. Whether you’re pre-graze topping to remove weeds and seed heads or post-graze mowing to clear clumps and spread dung, our mower ensures that your pastures are always in peak condition.

The Topper S3 is built with features that directly address the needs of dairy farmers. For instance, the automatic belt tensioner maintains constant tension on the belt, ensuring optimal spindle speeds for a superior cut, even in heavy conditions. This not only results in better pasture quality but also extends the lifespan of the belts, reducing maintenance costs.

In addition, the Topper S3 is designed for ease of maintenance. Improved access to roller-bearing grease nipples and the belt chamber through the inclusion of a user-friendly latch system make it simple to keep the machine in top working order. Our new stand-on covers also make it easier and safer for operators to access the rear of the tractor when coupling the mower.

By choosing Trimax, you’re investing in a mower that’s specifically designed to help you achieve the best results from your topping efforts. With our equipment, you can rest assured that your pastures will support healthier, more productive animals, leading to tangible benefits for your farm’s bottom line.